About us

About Semper Smart Games™
Understanding that play is the mind’s favorite way of learning, Semper Smart Games™ has a mission of creating uniquely fun and educational games that teach invaluable skills and knowledge. We create games that you can play at home, in the classroom, or almost anywhere you can find a small playing surface. We are committed to giving today’s families meaningful tactile gaming options that are not screen based and encourage personal interaction. Sign up for news on new and exciting projects, promotions and games we are working on.
About PlaySmart Dice™
The patent pending PlaySmart Dice™ system was invented to promote math fact fluency. These dice are vastly more efficient at producing results associated with the most challenging addition and multiplication fact combinations. When used in our original and fun games, players can master essential math skills that are critical for higher levels of academic achievement, as well as other important knowledge we incorporate into our games.
Traditional dice are surprisingly inefficient for helping children master essential math skills. When you roll a common pair of six-sided dice over half the time (55.6% actually) at least one of the die faces will result in a 1 or a 2. Children learn basic math operations using these numbers very quickly but can continue to struggle with harder numbers combinations for years, if not for a lifetime.
Research has shown that interactive and tactile play improves long-term memory. And because our high-quality 25MM dice and games easily fit in your pocket or purse, you can reinforce learning in frequent, fun, and unforgettable play almost anywhere. Just as fun for family game night as they are on camping trips, at restaurants, or on travel!
About Our Founder
Semper Smart Games creator Jim Moran is a retired Coast Guard officer and has also been an SAT and ACT tutor for almost two decades. He invented the patent pending PlaySmart Dice™ system to ensure his daughters achieved fluency in the essential math operations he saw many students struggle with as they prepared for college entrance exams.
With his game Election Night!, he wanted to help his daughters learn other things we should know—like U.S. geography and the mechanics of the Electoral College. Most importantly, he wanted all kids to have fun with games that encourage them to think big things—like running for and becoming President of the United States.